
Laser scanning consultation

According to our estimates, as of 2018, the market for terrestrial laser scanning services in Russia is growing by more than 25% per year. At the same time, technologies are rapidly improving: terrestrial scanners are becoming more compact, productive and accurate, mobile scanning technologies are taking more and more tasks away from terrestrial ones, 3D reality capture from UAVs has become a standard on construction sites, data processing software products have more and more automated functions for point cloud classification, data vectorization, etc. 

We understand how difficult it is for companies to start up with 3d laser scanning now. Here is how Trimetari Consulting can help as part of our consulting services:

  • assessment of economic efficiency of using the technology within the company’s operations;
  • choosing the best way to implement the technology: buying your own hardware and software or ordering 3D laser scanning services from third-party companies;
  • if you decide to buy hardware and software and do the surveying by your own efforts, we help with the selection of the right set, delivery, training and support of the first projects, i.e. we will ensure the most effective implementation of the technology.

For large companies that regularly order 3D laser scanning from different contractors, we help to create and implement their own methodology for using the technology. Such a document allows to clearly formulate the requirements for selecting a contractor to perform the work, quickly create technical requirements, formulate criteria for quality assessments etc.