Laser Scanning
In short, laser scanning (LS) is the process
of capturing three-dimensional spatial data
in the form of a point cloud using lasers.
Laser scanning is used wherever it is necessary to obtain accurate and detailed three-dimensional geometry of an object, and this is one of our main services. We scan both relatively small facilities (apartments and offices, building facades) and large infrastructure objects (stadiums, airports, road junctions) and even entire industrial enterprises.
Even 10 years ago, the scanner was a complex system, and its operation required special skills. Modern scanner is a compact, fast, easy to operate device. Nevertheless, it is still a difficult task to perform a high-quality laser scanning project. What are the issues faced by the customer and the contractor?
- Qualitative technical specification. Even experienced customers often find it difficult to clearly formulate what and why the specific final result is needed. The contractor on the basis of his experience helps to set the task and ensure the most effective use of the results of the laser scanning project.
- Calculation of the scope of work, correct estimation of time and resources required to scan the object. And the result of incorrect estimation can be either too high price, which will force the customer to abandon the project, or too low, which almost always affects the quality of work performed.
- Working with large projects. Constant monitoring of construction for several years, laser scanning of hundreds of hectares of industrial facilities – such tasks require special skills, such as the ability to organize and synchronize the work of several teams with the devices, the availability of powerful computer resources for point cloud processing, and special life hacks for working with large amounts of data. Not every contractor is capable of doing this kind of work.
What makes Trimetari Consulting the top laser scanning service provider in Russia?
- 200+ completed projects and 100+ years of combined experience of specialists
- Unique experience in executing really large and complex projects. Our last record – 3D survey of 8 km2 of multi-level industrial territory within one project.
- An internal system of estimating the volume and complexity of work, developed on the basis of many years of experience – that’s why we never miss deadlines and always give quality results.
- Powerful computer resources for data processing, without which it is impossible to do really big projects.
- Our own cloud server for data storage and processing, which can be used by our clients as well.
- 4 proprietary scanners from Swiss Leica Geosystems, the leading manufacturer of laser scanning solutions – currently the most productive hardware in the world.
And probably the best recognition of our achievements is the fact that several times in our history we have helped to create our own internal methodologies for implementing laser scanning technologies to improve the efficiency of business processes for large industrial companies.