In November 2017, experts of the company Trimetari Consulting LLC completed the work on terrestrial laser scanning and BIM-modeling of the train shed of the Yuzhny Railway Station in Kaliningrad. The work was done with a Leica ScanStation P40 laser scanner in real-color mode. 125 stations (scanner standing points) were executed, the total cloud contains about 16 billion points. As a result of combining the scanner data in a single point cloud, an error of 0.002 m data acquisition was achieved. Based on the results of laser scanning, a BIM model was created in the Autodesk Revit software. (read more…)
Laser Scanning for BIM of Bogoliubovsky Mining Plant, Krasnoyarsk territory, Russia
In January 2016, Trimetari Consulting LLC performed laser scanning of the main building of Bogoliubovsky Mining and Processing Plant, which processes gold-sulfide and gold-antimony ore. The purpose of the work is to create an executive BIM-model of the facility. The industrial building with an area of more than 3000 m², multi-level structures, technological equipment and communications were scanned in 2 days. The resulting point cloud was later used to build an accurate and up-to-date BIM model of the factory. (read more…)
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